This is a fascinating and compelling is insight on Kafka "the man," as you write. Not a hot take, but you can really see how his desire for that "escapism" led to that pervasive theme of being "trapped" in so much of his work.

Thanks for sharing!

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Absolutely, and thanks for your comment! Indeed, this tension between claustrophobia and the desire to fly away (not really a tension since these are two manifestations of the same core yearning) is pervasive in Kafka’s work.

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I enjoyed this! And thanks for the shoutout! Much appreciated.

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My pleasure, and thanks for taking the time!

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Great read, it’s been refreshing to look through a lens that shows Kafka as just a man, as you put it. Stripping him from the “legendary author” mask allows us to do away with reputation and prestige for a moment and see him for the rather human, flawed version, a version we all are to some degree.

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Agreed! I believe Max Brod was the first to picture Kafka as a literary saint. But the historical facts seem to say otherwise, and I think it’s good. Makes him more relatable in a sense.

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Definitely 👌🏼

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